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Psalms For Holy Thursday

On Holy Thursday the evening Mass is, first of all, the memorial of the institution of the Eucharist. The Mass of the Lord's Supper is also the memorial of the institution of the priesthood, by which Christ's mission and sacrifice are perpetuated in the world. The Mass on Holy Thursday is also a memorial of that love by which the Lord loved us "even to death". This is dramatically manifested through the foot washing which follows the Liturgy of the Word.

  1. Chrism Mass Ver. 1

  2. Chrism Mass Ver. 2

  3. Holy Thursday Ver. 1

  4. Holy Thursday Ver. 2

Liturgical Colour for Holy Thursday Chrism Mass  Psalm 88 (21-22, 25, 27. R: v.2) Ver. 1
 Holy Thursday - Chrism Mass
Music Score Sample


Liturgical Colour for Holy Thursday Chrism Mass  Psalm 88 (21-22, 25, 27. R: v.2) Ver. 2
 Holy Thursday - Chrism Mass
Music Score Sample


Liturgical Colour for Holy Thursday  Holy Thursday
 Psalm 115 (12-13, 15-18. R: cf. 1 Cor. 10:16) Ver. 1

Version 1 Notes
This psalm was written for a band consisting a drummer, keyboardist, bass player and one or two guitarists. If such a setting is not possible, then the organ with the necessary settings should be used. Alternatively, a solo piano can be used to give the "unplugged" effect.

Musical Instrumentation
For the response, the Piano tone is used, supported by the Electric Bass Pick tone and Drums. For the verses, the Flute and String Ensemble 1 tones are used, supported by the Piano and Electric Bass Pick tones, and Drums.

Music Score Sample


Liturgical Colour for Holy Thursday  Holy Thursday
 Psalm 115 (12-13, 15-18. R: cf. 1 Cor. 10:16) Ver. 2
Music Score Sample
